SMSLift from Sextant Readings Solutions

“In a recent poll, the NBAA identified that the single largest challenge to implementing an effective SMS is employee participation.”

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Convergent Performance’s SMS Lift program solves this challenge.

Convergent Performance’s SMS Lift program solves this challenge.
SMS Lift is a training solution designed by Convergent Performance, the industry leader in human factors training and performance improvement solutions, to address the largest challenge in SMS implementation that face flight departments today: employee engagement. This self-facilitated course is conducted at your
team’s own pace and contains all the components for small to medium flight departments to capitalize on the time you’ve already spent establishing your existing SMS.
SMS Lift is not an explanation of SMS; it is an easy to utilize program that removes the complexity of safety management systems and teaches the critical roles that individual employees play within the system. It will demonstrate to your entire staff their important roles and responsibilities and your department can realize the
many benefits that an optimized and well-implemented SMS provides.

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This cost-effective course is conducted in-house by your Safety Officer or designated trainer, and is either taught in a single day or split into four separate 2-hour blocks—whichever best suits your operation.

The SMS Lift boxed courseware program includes:
• Four- two hour lessons based on the pillars of SMS

  • ?? Safety Policy
  • ?? Safety Risk Management
  • ?? Safety Assurance
  • ?? Safety Promotion

• DVD that includes eight brief videos designed to facilitate learning
• Comprehensive resource library
• One step-by-step Instructor Guide to facilitate program implementation
• Ten Participant Handbooks
• Eleven Spheres of Safety Influence exercise forms
• SMS Lift Capture Form, in electronic and hard copy versions
The SMS Lift boxed collection includes enough class materials for 10 participants. Additional participant materials are available for purchase for larger class sizes.

For only $1499 (or $1359 for preferred aviation insurance carriers)
you can gain the benefits from your SMS you’ve been looking for.
Contact Convergent Performance today for more information or to “preview” the material.