An SMS Gap Analysis is used to determine current strengths and deficiencies with the certificate holder’s programs in place to conform to Regulatory requirements, System Safety principals and SMS guidelines (FAA).
The SMS gap Analysis is based on the FAA and ICAO SMS Gap Analysis checklist and/or organizational checklists like ACSF or IS-BAO to help facilitate the implementation of the SMS in accordance with the FAA Guidance, ICAO Annex 6 Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and IS-BAO SMS Guidelines.
Once the Gap Analysis is completed and fully documented, items identified as missing or deficient will form an action plan within the overall the SMS implementation plan. Each item will be assessed to determine how to create or modify policies, procedures and/or processes in order to implement a robust SMS.
Sextant Readings professional consultants will lead you through a tailored gap assessment and incorporate the assessment as part of your SMS programs.